vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: frmTestExplorerBar.frm

Object = "{8245A918-4CF7-11D2-8E21-10B404C10000}#8.1#0"; "vbalIml.ocx"
Object = "{D3D6FDC7-C9A0-4D16-99C2-E7FA5234DE4A}#4.0#0"; "vbalExpBar.ocx"
Begin VB.Form frmTestExplorerBar 
   Caption         =   "vbAccelerator - Explorer Bar Control Demonstration
   ClientHeight    =   5805
   ClientLeft      =   4725
   ClientTop       =   2025
   ClientWidth     =   7530
   BeginProperty Font 
      Name            =   "Tahoma"
      Size            =   8.25
      Charset         =   0
      Weight          =   400
      Underline       =   0   'False
      Italic          =   0   'False
      Strikethrough   =   0   'False
   Icon            =   "frmTestExplorerBar.frx":0000
   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
   ScaleHeight     =   387
   ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
   ScaleWidth      =   502
   Begin VB.PictureBox picRes 
      AutoRedraw      =   -1  'True
      AutoSize        =   -1  'True
      BorderStyle     =   0  'None
      Height          =   1260
      Left            =   6180
      Picture         =   "frmTestExplorerBar.frx":1272
      ScaleHeight     =   1260
      ScaleWidth      =   1200
      TabIndex        =   19
      Top             =   3780
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   1200
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdMedia 
      Caption         =   "&Media..."
      Height          =   435
      Left            =   5340
      TabIndex        =   18
      Top             =   3660
      Width           =   1515
   Begin VB.CheckBox chkCustomColours 
      Caption         =   "Custom Colo&urs"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   3600
      TabIndex        =   17
      Top             =   3720
      Width           =   3195
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSearch 
      Caption         =   "&Search..."
      Height          =   435
      Left            =   5340
      TabIndex        =   14
      Top             =   3180
      Width           =   1515
   Begin VB.CheckBox chkUseExplorer 
      Caption         =   "Use E&xplorer Style"
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   3360
      TabIndex        =   13
      Top             =   3420
      Value           =   1  'Checked
      Width           =   3495
   Begin VB.CheckBox chkRedraw 
      Caption         =   "Redra&w"
      Height          =   195
      Left            =   3360
      TabIndex        =   12
      Top             =   3180
      Value           =   1  'Checked
      Width           =   3495
   Begin VB.Frame fraTestItems 
      Caption         =   "Test Ite&ms"
      Height          =   1455
      Left            =   3240
      TabIndex        =   7
      Top             =   1620
      Width           =   3735
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdAddItem 
         Caption         =   "Add..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   8
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRemoveItem 
         Caption         =   "Remove..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   10
         Top             =   600
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdInsertItem 
         Caption         =   "Insert..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   1380
         TabIndex        =   9
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdClearItems 
         Caption         =   "Clear..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   1380
         TabIndex        =   11
         Top             =   600
         Width           =   1215
   Begin VB.Frame fraEvents 
      Caption         =   "Events"
      Height          =   1335
      Left            =   3240
      TabIndex        =   15
      Top             =   4320
      Width           =   3735
      Begin VB.ListBox lstEvents 
         Height          =   1035
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   16
         TabStop         =   0   'False
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   3495
   Begin vbalIml.vbalImageList ilsIcons 
      Left            =   6780
      Top             =   1020
      _ExtentX        =   953
      _ExtentY        =   953
      ColourDepth     =   32
      Size            =   12628
      Images          =   "frmTestExplorerBar.frx":6174
      Version         =   131072
      KeyCount        =   11
      Keys            =   ""
   Begin VB.Frame fraTestBars 
      Caption         =   "&Test Bars"
      Height          =   1455
      Left            =   3240
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   60
      Width           =   3735
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdVisible 
         Caption         =   "Make &Visible..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   6
         Top             =   960
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdClear 
         Caption         =   "&Clear"
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   1380
         TabIndex        =   5
         Top             =   600
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdInsert 
         Caption         =   "I&nsert..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   1380
         TabIndex        =   3
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRemove 
         Caption         =   "&Remove..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   4
         Top             =   600
         Width           =   1215
      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdAdd 
         Caption         =   "A&dd..."
         Height          =   315
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   2
         Top             =   240
         Width           =   1215
   Begin vbalExplorerBarLib.vbalExplorerBarCtl vbalExplorerBarCtl1 
      Align           =   3  'Align Left
      Height          =   5805
      Left            =   0
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   0
      Width           =   3180
      _ExtentX        =   5609
      _ExtentY        =   10239
      BackColorEnd    =   -1
      BackColorStart  =   -1
   Begin vbalIml.vbalImageList ilsTitleIcons 
      Left            =   6780
      Top             =   1620
      _ExtentX        =   953
      _ExtentY        =   953
      IconSizeX       =   32
      IconSizeY       =   32
      ColourDepth     =   32
      Size            =   4412
      Images          =   "frmTestExplorerBar.frx":92E8
      Version         =   131072
      KeyCount        =   1
      Keys            =   ""
Attribute VB_Name = "frmTestExplorerBar"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Private m_lNewKey As Long

Private Sub logEvent(ByVal sEvent As String)
   lstEvents.AddItem sEvent
   lstEvents.ListIndex = lstEvents.ListCount - 1
End Sub

Private Property Get NewKey() As String
   m_lNewKey = m_lNewKey + 1
   NewKey = "NEWKEY" & m_lNewKey
End Property

Private Function getBarList() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim sKeys As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      For i = 1 To .Bars.Count
         If (i > 1) Then sKeys = sKeys & ", "
         sKeys = sKeys & .Bars(i).Key
      Next i
   End With
   getBarList = sKeys
End Function
Private Function getItemList(ByVal sBarKey As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim sKeys As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1.Bars(sBarKey)
      For i = 1 To .Items.Count
         If (i > 1) Then sKeys = sKeys & ", "
         sKeys = sKeys & .Items(i).Key
      Next i
   End With
   getItemList = sKeys
End Function

Private Sub chkCustomColours_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
   If (chkCustomColours.Value = vbChecked) Then
      With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
         .Redraw = False
         .BackColorStart = RGB(255, 239, 154)
         .BackColorEnd = RGB(137, 129, 93)
         For i = 1 To .Bars.Count
            With .Bars(i)
               If (.IsSpecial) Then
                  .TitleBackColorLight = RGB(137, 129, 93)
                  .TitleBackColorDark = RGB(89, 84, 61)
                  .TitleForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 230)
                  .TitleForeColorOver = RGB(255, 239, 154)
                  .BackColor = RGB(255, 253, 245)
                  .TitleBackColorLight = RGB(255, 255, 230)
                  .TitleBackColorDark = RGB(255, 239, 154)
                  .TitleForeColor = RGB(89, 84, 61)
                  .TitleForeColorOver = RGB(137, 129, 93)
                  .BackColor = RGB(255, 249, 225)
               End If
               For j = 1 To .Items.Count
                  With .Items(j)
                     .TextColor = RGB(89, 84, 61)
                     .TextColorOver = RGB(170, 163, 130)
                  End With
               Next j
            End With
         Next i
         .Redraw = True
      End With
      With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
         .Redraw = False
         .BackColorStart = -1
         .BackColorEnd = -1
         For i = 1 To .Bars.Count
            With .Bars(i)
               .TitleBackColorDark = -1
               .TitleBackColorLight = -1
               .TitleForeColor = -1
               .TitleForeColorOver = -1
               .BackColor = -1
               For j = 1 To .Items.Count
                  With .Items(j)
                     .TextColor = -1
                     .TextColorOver = -1
                  End With
               Next j
            End With
         Next i
         .Redraw = True
      End With
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub chkRedraw_Click()
   vbalExplorerBarCtl1.Redraw = (chkRedraw.Value = vbChecked)
End Sub

Private Sub chkUseExplorer_Click()
   vbalExplorerBarCtl1.UseExplorerStyle = (chkUseExplorer.Value = Checked)
   chkCustomColours.Enabled = (chkUseExplorer.Value = Unchecked)
   If Not (chkCustomColours.Enabled) Then
      chkCustomColours.Value = Unchecked
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim sTitle As String
   sTitle = InputBox("Enter new bar title")
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      .Bars.Add , _
         NewKey, _
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAddItem_Click()
Dim sBar As String
Dim sTitle As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         sBar = InputBox("Which bar to add an item to? (One of: " & getBarList
          & ")", , .Bars(1).Key)
         If Len(sBar) > 0 Then
            sTitle = InputBox("Enter title for new item:")
            .Bars(sBar).Items.Add , NewKey, sTitle, Rnd * ilsIcons.ImageCount
         End If
         MsgBox "Add a bar to the control first.", vbInformation
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClearItems_Click()
Dim sKeys As String
Dim sI As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         sI = InputBox("Which bar to clear items of? (One of: " & getBarList &
          ")", , .Bars(1).Key)
         If Len(sI) > 0 Then
         End If
         MsgBox "No bars in control.", vbInformation
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()
Dim sTitle As String
   sTitle = InputBox("Enter new bar title")
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         .Bars.Add _
            1, NewKey, _
         .Bars.Add , _
            NewKey, _
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdInsertItem_Click()
Dim sBar As String
Dim sTitle As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         sBar = InputBox("Which bar to insert an item to? (One of: " &
          getBarList & ")", , .Bars(1).Key)
         If Len(sBar) > 0 Then
            sTitle = InputBox("Enter title for new item:")
            If (.Bars(sBar).Items.Count > 0) Then
               .Bars(sBar).Items.Add 1, NewKey, sTitle, Rnd *
               .Bars(sBar).Items.Add , NewKey, sTitle, Rnd * ilsIcons.ImageCount
            End If
         End If
         MsgBox "No bars in control.", vbInformation
      End If
   End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMedia_Click()
   Dim f As New frmMediaSearch
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
Dim sBar As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         sBar = InputBox("Which bar to remove? (One of: " & getBarList & ")", ,
         If Len(sBar) > 0 Then
            .Bars.Remove sBar
         End If
         MsgBox "No bars in control.", vbInformation
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRemoveItem_Click()
Dim sBar As String
Dim sItem As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         sBar = InputBox("Which bar to remove an item from? (One of: " &
          getBarList & ")", , .Bars(1).Key)
         If Len(sBar) > 0 Then
            If (.Bars(sBar).Items.Count > 0) Then
               sItem = InputBox("Which item to remove from the bar? (One of: "
                & getItemList(sBar) & ")", , .Bars(sBar).Items(1).Key)
               If (Len(sItem) > 0) Then
                  .Bars(sBar).Items.Remove sItem
               End If
               MsgBox "No items in this bar.", vbInformation
            End If
         End If
         MsgBox "No bars in control.", vbInformation
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
   Dim f As New frmTestSearchBar
End Sub

Private Sub cmdVisible_Click()
Dim sBar As String
   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      If (.Bars.Count > 0) Then
         sBar = InputBox("Which bar to ensure visible? (One of: " & getBarList
          & ")", , .Bars(1).Key)
         If Len(sBar) > 0 Then
         End If
         MsgBox "No bars in control.", vbInformation
      End If
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cBar As cExplorerBar
Dim cItem As cExplorerBarItem

   With vbalExplorerBarCtl1
      .Redraw = False
      '.UseExplorerStyle = False
      .ImageList = ilsIcons.hIml
      .BarTitleImageList = ilsTitleIcons.hIml
      Set cBar = .Bars.Add(, "SPECIAL", "Picture &Tasks")
      cBar.IsSpecial = True
      cBar.ToolTipText = "These tasks apply to picture files and folders you
      cBar.IconIndex = 0
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "SLIDESHOW", "View as s&lide show", 0)
      cItem.ToolTipText = "Arranges all the pictures in this folder as a
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "ORDER", "&Order prints online", 1)
      cItem.ToolTipText = "Starts the Online Print Ordering Wizard, which helps
       you order prints of your digital pictures."
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PRINT", "&Print pictures", 2)
      cItem.ToolTipText = "Starts the Photo Printing Wizard, which helps you
       format and print your pictures."
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "CDCOPY", "Cop&y all items to CD", 3)
      cItem.ToolTipText = "Copies the selected items to the CD-R folder so that
       you can burn them on a Compact Disc."
      cBar.WatermarkPicture = picRes.Picture
      Set cBar = .Bars.Add(, "FILEFOLDER", "File and Folder Tasks")
      cBar.ToolTipText = "These tasks apply to the files and folders you
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "NEWFOLDER", "Make a new &folder", 4)
      Dim sFnt As New StdFont
      sFnt.Name = "Verdana"
      sFnt.Size = 11
      sFnt.Italic = True
      Set cItem.Font = sFnt
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PUBLISHFOLDER", "Publis&h this folder to
       the Web", 5)
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "SHAREFOLDER", "Sh&are this folder", 6)
      Set cBar = .Bars.Add(, "PLACES", "Other Places")
      cBar.ToolTipText = "These links open other folders and take you quickly
       to useful places"
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PLACE:1", "My Documents", 7)
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PLACE:2", "Shared Pictures", 8)
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PLACE:3", "My Computer", 9)
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PLACE:4", "My Network Places", 10)
      Dim i As Long
      For i = 1 To 30
         Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "PLACE:" & (i + 4), "Place " & i, 10)
      Next i
      Set cBar = .Bars.Add(, "DETAILS", "Details")
      cBar.ToolTipText = "This section displays the size, type and other
       information about the selected item"
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "NAME", "Star Wars and Other Space
      cItem.ItemType = eItemText
      cItem.Bold = True
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "TYPE", "JPEG Image")
      cItem.ItemType = eItemText
      cItem.SpacingAfter = 4
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "DIMENSIONS", "Dimensions: 1447 x 1448")
      cItem.ItemType = eItemText
      cItem.SpacingAfter = 4
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "SIZE", "Size: 782KB")
      cItem.ItemType = eItemText
      cItem.SpacingAfter = 4
      Set cItem = cBar.Items.Add(, "DATE", "Date Modified: 07 October 2002,
      cItem.ItemType = eItemText
      .Redraw = True
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
   If (Forms.Count = 0) Then
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_BarClick(bar As vbalExplorerBarLib.cExplorerBar)
   logEvent "BarClick: " & bar.Key & " (" & bar.Title & ")"
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_BarRightClick(bar As
   logEvent "BarRightClick: " & bar.Key & " (" & bar.Title & ")"
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_GotFocus()
   logEvent "GotFocus"
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_Highlight(bar As
 vbalExplorerBarLib.cExplorerBar, itm As vbalExplorerBarLib.cExplorerBarItem)
   If Not (bar Is Nothing) Then
      If Not (itm Is Nothing) Then
         logEvent "Highlight Item: " & itm.Key
         logEvent "Highlight Bar: " & bar.Key
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_ItemClick(itm As
   logEvent "ItemClick: " & itm.Key & " (" & itm.Text & ")"
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_ItemRightClick(itm As
   logEvent "ItemRightClick: " & itm.Key & " (" & itm.Text & ")"
End Sub

Private Sub vbalExplorerBarCtl1_LostFocus()
   logEvent "LostFocus"
End Sub