vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cAlphaDibSection.cls

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cAlphaDibSection"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

' cAlphaDIBSection.cls
' Copyright  1998-2003 Steve McMahon (steve@vbaccelerator.com)
' Visit vbAccelerator at http://vbaccelerator.com/
' Creates and manages an ARGB (32bit) GDI DibSection.
' This is DIB in which the bitmap bits are stored in windows
' memory so can be modified.
' See the RandomiseBits and Resample methods for how to do it.
' Note: for best performance, when compiling an executable check
' all the boxes on the Properties-Compile tab Advanced Optimisations
' button.  This really makes a difference - more than 2x faster.

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
    lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

    cElements As Long
    lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY2D
    cDims As Integer
    fFeatures As Integer
    cbElements As Long
    cLocks As Long
    pvData As Long
    Bounds(0 To 1) As SAFEARRAYBOUND
End Type
Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm50.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr()
 As Any) As Long

Private Type RGBQUAD
    rgbBlue As Byte
    rgbGreen As Byte
    rgbRed As Byte
    rgbReserved As Byte
End Type
Private Type BITMAPINFOHEADER '40 bytes
    biSize As Long
    biWidth As Long
    biHeight As Long
    biPlanes As Integer
    biBitCount As Integer
    biCompression As Long
    biSizeImage As Long
    biXPelsPerMeter As Long
    biYPelsPerMeter As Long
    biClrUsed As Long
    biClrImportant As Long
End Type
    bmiColors As RGBQUAD
End Type
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hdc
 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
' Note - this is not the declare in the API viewer - modify lplpVoid to be
' Byref so we get the pointer back:
Private Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib "gdi32" _
    (ByVal hdc As Long, _
    pBitmapInfo As BITMAPINFO, _
    ByVal un As Long, _
    lplpVoid As Long, _
    ByVal handle As Long, _
    ByVal dw As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As
 Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal
 hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long)
 As Long
  BlendOp As Byte
  BlendFlags As Byte
  SourceConstantAlpha As Byte
  AlphaFormat As Byte
End Type
' BlendOp:
Private Const AC_SRC_OVER = &H0
' AlphaFormat:
Private Const AC_SRC_ALPHA = &H1

Private Declare Function AlphaBlend Lib "msimg32.dll" ( _
  ByVal hdcDest As Long, _
  ByVal nXOriginDest As Long, _
  ByVal nYOriginDest As Long, _
  ByVal nWidthDest As Long, _
  ByVal nHeightDest As Long, _
  ByVal hdcSrc As Long, _
  ByVal nXOriginSrc As Long, _
  ByVal nYOriginSrc As Long, _
  ByVal nWidthSrc As Long, _
  ByVal nHeightSrc As Long, _
  ByVal lBlendFunction As Long _
) As Long

Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal
 hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" Alias "LoadImageA" (ByVal hInst
 As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2
 As Long, ByVal un2 As Long) As Long
Private Const BI_RGB = 0&
Private Const BI_RLE4 = 2&
Private Const BI_RLE8 = 1&
Private Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0 '  color table in RGBs

Private Type BITMAP
    bmType As Long
    bmWidth As Long
    bmHeight As Long
    bmWidthBytes As Long
    bmPlanes As Integer
    bmBitsPixel As Integer
    bmBits As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetObjectAPI Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal
 hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long

' Start of structure:
Private Const BITMAPTYPE As Integer = &H4D42
   bfType As Integer '- type  ="BM" i.e &H4D42 - 2
   bfSize As Long ' - size in bytes of file - 6
   bfReserved1 As Integer ' - reserved, must be 0 - 8
   bfReserved2 As Integer ' - reserved, must be 0 - 10
   bfOffBits As Long ' offset from this structure to the bitmap bits - 14
End Type
Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal
 lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As
 Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal
 dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer
 As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long,
 lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long,
 lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten
 As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long,
 ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal
 dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As
Private Const CREATE_ALWAYS = 2
Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
Private Const FILE_BEGIN = 0
Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long,
 ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As
Private Const GMEM_FIXED = &H0
Private Const GMEM_ZEROINIT = &H40

Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA"
 (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, ByVal dwMessageId As Long, ByVal
 dwLanguageId As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, Arguments
 As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal
 hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As
 Long, lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long,
 lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any,
 lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long

' DrawDIB functions:
Private Declare Function DrawDibOpen Lib "msvfw32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function DrawDibClose Lib "msvfw32.dll" (ByVal hDD As Long) As
Private Declare Function DrawDibDraw Lib "msvfw32.dll" (ByVal hDD As Long,
 ByVal hdc As Long, _
      ByVal xDst As Long, ByVal yDst As Long, ByVal dxDst As Long, ByVal dyDst
       As Long, _
      lpBI As Any, lpBits As Any, _
      ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dxSrc As Long, ByVal dySrc
       As Long, _
      ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long

Private m_hDib As Long
Private m_hBmpOld As Long
Private m_hDC As Long
Private m_hDD As Long
Private m_lPtr As Long

Public Sub Clear( _
      Optional ByVal red As Byte = 0, _
      Optional ByVal green As Byte = 0, _
      Optional ByVal blue As Byte = 0, _
      Optional ByVal alpha As Byte = 0 _
Dim lDib() As Long
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim lColor As Long
   ' Here since we're setting every long value to
   ' the same number, we can do our work using
   ' a long array, rather than a byte array.
   lColor = blue Or (CLng(green) * &H100&) Or (CLng(red) * &H10000)
   lColor = lColor Or (CLng(alpha And &H7F&) * &H1000000)
   If ((alpha And &H80) = &H80) Then
      lColor = lColor Or &H80000000
   End If
   ' Get the bits in the from DIB section.
   With tSA
      .cbElements = 4
      .cDims = 2
      .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
      .Bounds(0).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
      .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
      .Bounds(1).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth
      .pvData = m_lPtr
   End With
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(lDib()), VarPtr(tSA), 4
   For y = 0 To m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1
       For x = 0 To m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth - 1
         lDib(x, y) = lColor
       Next x
   Next y
   ' Clear the temporary array descriptor
   ' (This does not appear to be necessary, but
   ' for safety do it anyway)
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(lDib), 0&, 4

End Sub

Public Sub CopyArea( _
      cSrc As cAlphaDibSection, _
      Optional ByVal lSrcLeft As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lSrcTop As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lSrcWidth As Long = -1, _
      Optional ByVal lSrcHeight As Long = -1, _
      Optional ByVal lDstLeft As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lDstTop As Long = 0 _

   ' Check parameters:
   If (lSrcLeft < 0) Then lSrcLeft = 0
   If (lSrcTop < 0) Then lSrcTop = 0
   If (lSrcWidth = -1) Then lSrcWidth = cSrc.width
   If (lSrcHeight = -1) Then lSrcHeight = cSrc.height
   If (lSrcWidth + lDstLeft > m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth) Then
      lSrcWidth = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth - lDstLeft
   End If
   If (lSrcHeight + lDstTop > m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight) Then
      lSrcHeight = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight - lDstTop
   End If
   If (lSrcWidth <= 0) Or (lSrcHeight <= 0) Then
      Exit Sub
   End If

Dim lDib() As Long
    ' Get the bits in my DIB section:
    With tSA
        .cbElements = 4
        .cDims = 2
        .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(0).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
        .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(1).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth
        .pvData = m_lPtr
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(lDib()), VarPtr(tSA), 4
Dim lDibSrc() As Long
   ' Bits in source DIB section:
    With tSASrc
        .cbElements = 4
        .cDims = 2
        .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(0).cElements = cSrc.height
        .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(1).cElements = cSrc.width
        .pvData = cSrc.DIBSectionBitsPtr
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(lDibSrc()), VarPtr(tSASrc), 4

Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim xStart As Long
Dim xEnd As Long
Dim xDest As Long
Dim yStart As Long
Dim yEnd As Long
Dim yDest As Long

   xStart = lSrcLeft
   xEnd = (lSrcLeft + lSrcWidth - 1)
   yStart = lSrcTop
   yEnd = (lSrcTop + lSrcHeight - 1)
   xDest = lDstLeft
   For x = xStart To xEnd
      yDest = lDstTop
      For y = yStart To yEnd
         lDib(xDest, yDest) = lDibSrc(x, y)
         yDest = yDest + 1
      Next y
      xDest = xDest + 1
   Next x
   ' Clear up
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(lDibSrc), 0&, 4
   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(lDib), 0&, 4
End Sub

Public Property Get UseDrawDib() As Boolean
   UseDrawDib = Not (m_hDD = 0)
End Property
Public Property Let UseDrawDib(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   If bState Then
      If m_hDD = 0 Then
         m_hDD = DrawDibOpen()
      End If
      If Not (m_hDD = 0) Then
         DrawDibClose m_hDD
      End If
   End If
End Property
Public Function CreateDIB( _
        ByVal lHDC As Long, _
        ByVal lWidth As Long, _
        ByVal lHeight As Long, _
        ByRef hDib As Long _
    ) As Boolean
    With m_tBI.bmiHeader
        .biSize = Len(m_tBI.bmiHeader)
        .biWidth = lWidth
        .biHeight = lHeight
        .biPlanes = 1
        .biBitCount = 32
        .biCompression = BI_RGB
        .biSizeImage = BytesPerScanLine * .biHeight
    End With
    hDib = CreateDIBSection( _
            lHDC, _
            m_tBI, _
            DIB_RGB_COLORS, _
            m_lPtr, _
            0, 0)
    CreateDIB = (hDib <> 0)
End Function
Public Function CreateFromPicture( _
        ByRef picThis As StdPicture _
    CreateFromHBitmap picThis.handle
End Function
Public Function CreateFromHBitmap( _
      ByVal hBmp As Long _
Dim lHDC As Long
Dim lhWnd As Long
Dim lhDCDesktop As Long
Dim lhBmpOld As Long
Dim tBmp As BITMAP
   GetObjectAPI hBmp, Len(tBmp), tBmp
   If (Create(tBmp.bmWidth, tBmp.bmHeight)) Then
      lhWnd = GetDesktopWindow()
      lhDCDesktop = GetDC(lhWnd)
      If (lhDCDesktop <> 0) Then
         lHDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lhDCDesktop)
         ReleaseDC lhWnd, lhDCDesktop ' 2003-07-05: Corrected for GDI leak in
         If (lHDC <> 0) Then
            lhBmpOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hBmp)
            LoadPictureBlt lHDC
            SelectObject lHDC, lhBmpOld
            DeleteObject lHDC
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Function
Public Function Create( _
        ByVal lWidth As Long, _
        ByVal lHeight As Long _
    ) As Boolean
Dim bDrawDib As Boolean
   bDrawDib = UseDrawDib()
    m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
    If (m_hDC <> 0) Then
        If (CreateDIB(m_hDC, lWidth, lHeight, m_hDib)) Then
            m_hBmpOld = SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hDib)
            UseDrawDib = bDrawDib
            Create = True
            DeleteObject m_hDC
            m_hDC = 0
        End If
    End If
End Function
Public Property Get BytesPerScanLine() As Long
    ' Scans must align on dword boundaries; easy with an alpha bitmap!
    BytesPerScanLine = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth * 4
End Property
Public Sub PreMultiplyAlpha()
Dim bDib() As Byte
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim lC As Long
Dim bAlpha As Long
    ' Get the bits in the from DIB section:
    With tSA
        .cbElements = 1
        .cDims = 2
        .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(0).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
        .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(1).cElements = BytesPerScanLine()
        .pvData = m_lPtr
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDib()), VarPtr(tSA), 4
   For y = 0 To Me.height - 1
      For x = 0 To Me.BytesPerScanLine - 4 Step 4 ' each item has 4 bytes:
         ' Get the red value from the mask to use as the alpha
         ' value:
         bAlpha = bDib(x + 3, y)
         ' Now premultiply the r/g/b values by the alpha divided
         ' by 255.  This is required for the AlphaBlend GDI function,
         ' see MSDN/Platform SDK/GDI/BLENDFUNCTION for more
         ' details:
         bDib(x, y) = bDib(x, y) * bAlpha \ 255
         bDib(x + 1, y) = bDib(x + 1, y) * bAlpha \ 255
         bDib(x + 2, y) = bDib(x + 2, y) * bAlpha \ 255
      Next x
   Next y

    ' Clear the temporary array descriptor
    ' (This does not appear to be necessary, but
    ' for safety do it anyway)
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDib), 0&, 4

End Sub

Public Property Get width() As Long
    width = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth
End Property
Public Property Get height() As Long
    height = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
End Property

Public Sub LoadPictureBlt( _
        ByVal lHDC As Long, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcLeft As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcTop As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcWidth As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcHeight As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal eRop As RasterOpConstants = vbSrcCopy _
    If lSrcWidth < 0 Then lSrcWidth = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth
    If lSrcHeight < 0 Then lSrcHeight = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
    BitBlt m_hDC, 0, 0, lSrcWidth, lSrcHeight, lHDC, lSrcLeft, lSrcTop, eRop
End Sub
Public Function SavePicture(ByVal sFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim lC As Long, i As Long

   ' Save to BMP:
   SavePicture = SaveToBitmap(m_lPtr, sFileName)

End Function
Private Function SaveToBitmap(ByVal lPtrBits As Long, ByVal sFileName As String)
Dim hFile As Long
Dim lBytesWritten As Long
Dim lSize As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim bErr As Boolean
Dim hMem As Long, lPtr As Long
Dim lErr As Long

   With tBH
      .bfType = BITMAPTYPE
      .bfOffBits = 14 + Len(m_tBI)
      .bfSize = .bfOffBits + m_tBI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage
   End With
   hFile = CreateFile(sFileName, _
                 GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE, _
                  ByVal 0&, _
                  ByVal 0&, _
                  CREATE_ALWAYS, _
                  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, _
   lErr = Err.LastDllError
      ' error
      Err.Raise 17, App.EXEName & ".cDIBSection", ApiError(lErr)
      ' Writing the BITMAPFILEINFOHEADER is somewhat painful
      ' due to non-byte alignment of structure...
      hMem = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, 14)
      lPtr = GlobalLock(hMem)
      CopyMemory ByVal lPtr, tBH.bfType, 2
      CopyMemory ByVal lPtr + 2, tBH.bfSize, 4
      CopyMemory ByVal lPtr + 6, 0&, 4
      CopyMemory ByVal lPtr + 10, tBH.bfOffBits, 4
      lSize = 14
      lR = WriteFile(hFile, ByVal lPtr, lSize, lBytesWritten, ByVal 0&)
      GlobalUnlock hMem
      GlobalFree hMem
      ' Add the BITMAPINFOHEADER and colour palette:
      bErr = FileErrHandler(lR, lSize, lBytesWritten)
      If Not bErr Then
         lSize = Len(m_tBI)
         lR = WriteFile(hFile, m_tBI, lSize, lBytesWritten, ByVal 0&)
         bErr = FileErrHandler(lR, lSize, lBytesWritten)
      End If
      If Not bErr Then
         ' Its easy to write the bitmap data, though...
         lSize = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage
         lR = WriteFile(hFile, ByVal lPtrBits, lSize, lBytesWritten, ByVal 0&)
         bErr = FileErrHandler(lR, lSize, lBytesWritten)
      End If
      CloseHandle hFile
      SaveToBitmap = Not (bErr)
   End If

End Function
Private Function ApiError(ByVal e As Long) As String
    Dim s As String, c As Long
    s = String(256, 0)
    c = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM Or _
                      FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, _
                      0, e, 0&, s, Len(s), ByVal 0)
    If c Then ApiError = Left$(s, c)
End Function
Private Function FileErrHandler(ByVal lR As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal
 lBytes As Long) As Boolean
   If (lR = 0) Or Not (lSize = lBytes) Then
      FileErrHandler = True
   End If
End Function

Public Sub PaintPicture( _
        ByVal lHDC As Long, _
        Optional ByVal lDestLeft As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lDestTop As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lDestWidth As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal lDestHeight As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcLeft As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcTop As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal eRop As RasterOpConstants = vbSrcCopy _
   If (lDestWidth < 0) Then lDestWidth = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth
   If (lDestHeight < 0) Then lDestHeight = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
   If Not (m_hDD = 0) Then
      ' DrawDib method:
      DrawDibDraw m_hDD, lHDC, lDestLeft, lDestTop, lDestWidth, lDestHeight,
       m_tBI, ByVal m_lPtr, lSrcLeft, lSrcTop, lDestWidth, lDestHeight, 0
      BitBlt lHDC, lDestLeft, lDestTop, lDestWidth, lDestHeight, m_hDC,
       lSrcLeft, lSrcTop, eRop
   End If
End Sub
Public Sub AlphaPaintPicture( _
        ByVal lHDC As Long, _
        Optional ByVal lDestLeft As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lDestTop As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lDestWidth As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal lDestHeight As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcLeft As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lSrcTop As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lConstantAlpha As Byte = 255, _
        Optional ByVal bHasAlphaChannel As Boolean = True _
   If (lDestWidth < 0) Then lDestWidth = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth
   If (lDestHeight < 0) Then lDestHeight = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
   If (lSrcLeft + lDestWidth > m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth) Then lDestWidth =
    m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth - lSrcLeft
   If (lSrcTop + lDestHeight > m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight) Then lDestHeight =
    m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight - lSrcTop
   Dim lBlend As Long
   bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER
   bf.BlendFlags = 0
   bf.SourceConstantAlpha = lConstantAlpha
   If (bHasAlphaChannel) Then
      bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA
   End If
   CopyMemory lBlend, bf, 4
   Dim lR As Long
   lR = AlphaBlend( _
      lHDC, _
      lDestLeft, lDestTop, lDestWidth, lDestHeight, _
      m_hDC, _
      lSrcLeft, lSrcTop, lDestWidth, lDestHeight, _
   If (lR = 0) Then
      Debug.Print ApiError(Err.LastDllError)
   End If
End Sub

Public Property Get hdc() As Long
    hdc = m_hDC
End Property
Public Property Get hDib() As Long
    hDib = m_hDib
End Property
Public Function ExtractDib() As Long
   SelectObject m_hDC, m_hBmpOld
   ExtractDib = m_hDib
   DeleteObject m_hDC
   m_hBmpOld = 0
   m_hDC = 0
   m_hDib = 0 ' up to caller to delete
End Function
Public Property Get DIBSectionBitsPtr() As Long
    DIBSectionBitsPtr = m_lPtr
End Property
Public Sub RandomiseBits( _
        Optional ByVal bGray As Boolean = False _
Dim bDib() As Byte
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim lC As Long
    ' Get the bits in the from DIB section:
    With tSA
        .cbElements = 1
        .cDims = 2
        .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(0).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
        .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(1).cElements = BytesPerScanLine()
        .pvData = m_lPtr
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDib()), VarPtr(tSA), 4

    ' random:
    Randomize Timer
    If (bGray) Then
        For y = 0 To m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1
            For x = 0 To BytesPerScanLine - 1 Step 4
                lC = Rnd * 255
                bDib(x + 3, y) = Rnd * 255 '255 * (y / m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight)
                bDib(x, y) = lC * bDib(x + 3, y) / 255
                bDib(x + 1, y) = lC * bDib(x + 3, y) / 255
                bDib(x + 2, y) = lC * bDib(x + 3, y) / 255
            Next x
        Next y
         For y = 0 To m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight - 1
            For x = 0 To BytesPerScanLine - 1 Step 4
                bDib(x + 3, y) = Rnd * 255 '255 * (y / m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight)
                bDib(x, y) = Rnd * 255 * bDib(x + 3, y) / 255
                bDib(x + 1, y) = Rnd * 255 * bDib(x + 3, y) / 255
                bDib(x + 2, y) = Rnd * 255 * bDib(x + 3, y) / 255
            Next x
        Next y
    End If
    ' Clear the temporary array descriptor
    ' (This does not appear to be necessary, but
    ' for safety do it anyway)
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDib), 0&, 4
End Sub

Public Sub ClearUp()
    If (m_hDC <> 0) Then
        If (m_hDib <> 0) Then
            SelectObject m_hDC, m_hBmpOld
            DeleteObject m_hDib
        End If
        DeleteObject m_hDC
    End If
    m_hDC = 0: m_hDib = 0: m_hBmpOld = 0: m_lPtr = 0
    If Not (m_hDD = 0) Then
      DrawDibClose m_hDD
      m_hDD = 0
   End If
End Sub

Public Function Resample( _
        ByVal lNewHeight As Long, _
        ByVal lNewWidth As Long _
    ) As cAlphaDibSection
Dim cDib As cAlphaDibSection
    Set cDib = New cAlphaDibSection
    If cDib.Create(lNewWidth, lNewHeight) Then
        If (lNewWidth <> m_tBI.bmiHeader.biWidth) Or (lNewHeight <>
         m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight) Then
            ' Change in size, do resample:
            ResampleDib cDib
            ' No size change so just return a copy:
            cDib.LoadPictureBlt m_hDC
        End If
        Set Resample = cDib
    End If
End Function

Private Function ResampleDib(ByRef cDibTo As cAlphaDibSection) As Boolean
Dim bDibFrom() As Byte
Dim bDibTo() As Byte

    ' Get the bits in the from DIB section:
    With tSAFrom
        .cbElements = 1
        .cDims = 2
        .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(0).cElements = m_tBI.bmiHeader.biHeight
        .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(1).cElements = BytesPerScanLine()
        .pvData = m_lPtr
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDibFrom()), VarPtr(tSAFrom), 4

    ' Get the bits in the to DIB section:
    With tSATo
        .cbElements = 1
        .cDims = 2
        .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(0).cElements = cDibTo.height
        .Bounds(1).lLbound = 0
        .Bounds(1).cElements = cDibTo.BytesPerScanLine()
        .pvData = cDibTo.DIBSectionBitsPtr
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDibTo()), VarPtr(tSATo), 4

Dim xScale As Single
Dim yScale As Single

Dim x As Long, y As Long, xEnd As Long, xOut As Long

Dim fX As Single, fY As Single
Dim ifY As Long, ifX As Long
Dim dX As Single, dy As Single
Dim r As Long, r1 As Single, r2 As Single, r3 As Single, r4 As Single
Dim g As Long, g1 As Single, g2 As Single, g3 As Single, g4 As Single
Dim b As Long, b1 As Single, b2 As Single, b3 As Single, b4 As Single
Dim ir1 As Long, ig1 As Long, ib1 As Long
Dim ir2 As Long, ig2 As Long, ib2 As Long

    xScale = (width - 1) / cDibTo.width
    yScale = (height - 1) / cDibTo.height
    xEnd = cDibTo.width - 1
    For y = 0 To cDibTo.height - 1
        fY = y * yScale
        ifY = Int(fY)
        dy = fY - ifY
        For x = 0 To xEnd
            fX = x * xScale
            ifX = Int(fX)
            dX = fX - ifX
            ifX = ifX * 3
            ' Interpolate using the four nearest pixels in the source
            b1 = bDibFrom(ifX, ifY): g1 = bDibFrom(ifX + 1, ifY): r1 =
             bDibFrom(ifX + 2, ifY)
            b2 = bDibFrom(ifX + 3, ifY): g2 = bDibFrom(ifX + 4, ifY): r2 =
             bDibFrom(ifX + 5, ifY)
            b3 = bDibFrom(ifX, ifY + 1): g3 = bDibFrom(ifX + 1, ifY + 1): r3 =
             bDibFrom(ifX + 2, ifY + 1)
            b4 = bDibFrom(ifX + 3, ifY + 1): g4 = bDibFrom(ifX + 4, ifY + 1):
             r4 = bDibFrom(ifX + 5, ifY + 1)
            ' Interplate in x direction:
            ir1 = r1 * (1 - dy) + r3 * dy: ig1 = g1 * (1 - dy) + g3 * dy: ib1 =
             b1 * (1 - dy) + b3 * dy
            ir2 = r2 * (1 - dy) + r4 * dy: ig2 = g2 * (1 - dy) + g4 * dy: ib2 =
             b2 * (1 - dy) + b4 * dy
            ' Interpolate in y:
            r = ir1 * (1 - dX) + ir2 * dX: g = ig1 * (1 - dX) + ig2 * dX: b =
             ib1 * (1 - dX) + ib2 * dX
            ' Set output:
            If (r < 0) Then r = 0
            If (r > 255) Then r = 255
            If (g < 0) Then g = 0
            If (g > 255) Then g = 255
            If (b < 0) Then b = 0
            If (b > 255) Then
                b = 255
            End If
            xOut = x * 3
            bDibTo(xOut, y) = b
            bDibTo(xOut + 1, y) = g
            bDibTo(xOut + 2, y) = r
        Next x
    Next y

    ' Clear the temporary array descriptor
    ' (This does not appear to be necessary, but
    ' for safety do it anyway)
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDibFrom), 0&, 4
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDibTo), 0&, 4

End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub